m3loc.com - M3 Localization | Professional G18N and L10N Agency

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Connected with 600+ excellent linguists across globe, M3 Localization Ltd. helps business organizations entering global markets with local language and culture. Our expertise in localization industry makes your global commercial strategy simple enough. Sending us your materials and we take care of the rest. Many leading companies relay on our solid services to expand their footprint around the world. Specifically, M3 provides the following services:

We translate document, manual, technical guide, brochure, press release, contract, and more to, help our clients enter global markets. No matter what your source format is or which industrial area are you in, we satisfy all your needs.

Creating a multi-language software to raise your ROI today. M3 is the expert in software translation. Our professional services include user interface translation, CMS content translation, language verification testing, screenshot capturing, dialog resizing, etc..