m0klk.co.uk - M0KLK

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Amateur Radio

We moved here over twelve years ago to be closer to work, unfortunately it was before I decided to get back into radio as we are very close to sea level here.  I work the RSGB UKAC 2mtr and 70cms contests on Tuesdays and get average results, I'm never going to do any better without going portable.  I also work 20 & 40 mtrs with a half sized G5RV, most of my Amateur radio information is on my QRZ page which is secure as only available to other radio amateurs.  I retired some years ago and should have more ti

My first interests in radio were during my teens when I used to visit the radio stores in London's Edgware Road and Lisle Street, my first receiver being a Murphy B40d from GW Smith , that was when you could easily drive to Soho (my dad actually drove) and park outside to collect something as heavy as a B40.  Sadly most of the surplus stocks from the war dried up by the early sixties and more imported items from the Far East were the things to buy, Henry's Radio in Edgware Road certainly were able to help t