- Lytspel, a Simple Phonetic Respelling for the English Language

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The traditional English spelling system is afflicted with exceptions and conflicting rules, making writing and reading texts unnecessarily hard.

Lytspel is a proposal for reforming the English spelling in order to establish a predictable relationship between written letters and spoken sounds. Lytspel (for «lytwait speling» or ‹lightweight spelling›) not only creates an unambiguous mapping between the sounds used in English and their written representations, it also indicates which syllable in each word is the stressed one. See Idea and Motivation for more on why this makes sense and how it would make everyone’s life easier.

In addition to the online converter found above, this website also contains a short and a detailed explanation of the rules of Lytspel. We explicate how pronunciation differences between regional varieties of English are handled and discuss a few inevitable limitations of the dictionary used by the online converter. Additionally, we explain how to install the converter on your own computer if you prefer to do that.