- Lynn Greenky

Description: Commentator & Educator

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First Amendment Stories that chronicle the right to speak freely

Lynn Greenky began her professional career as a lawyer. For the past fifteen years, she has served as a teaching professor at Syracuse University in the Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies. Ten years ago, she began teaching an undergraduate course about the First Amendment. Her educational background gave her a unique perspective upon which to build a course about the protection we have from laws that abridge our right to the freedom of speech.

When Freedom Speaks: The Boundaries and the Boundlessness of our First Amendment Right  chronicles the stories that narrate our First Amendment right to speak our minds. Using the characters and drama embedded in landmark Supreme Court cases, and recent lower court cases, it engages today’s increasingly politically active audience and introduces them to the theories that guide First Amendment jurisprudence. An understanding of First Amendment stories as told through the challenges faced by litigants, lawyer