- Lunatic Laboratories – Better Living Through Engineering

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Better Living Through Engineering

Like many people, I’ve been struggling a great deal with understanding what is happening in our world, and how to make sense of it.  Many years ago, when I was younger, I myself had a somewhat narcissistic view of the world. The frame in which I absorbed interactions in my life was one that was exclusionary of large groups of people around me. When I say this you’re probably thinking I’m talking about the makers and takers we hear being thrown about in the news media, but I’m talking about something much cl

The programmers vs. whatever argument/though process is one that many of us are familiar with, and have no fear if you’re not a programmers, in all likelihood, it applies to you too. Maybe it’s artists vs. programmers, or you’re a manager who hasn’t understood the behavior of those alien creatures, the engineers. Our brains are particularly well suited for categorizing groups of things, and so its no surprise that we do it with people as well. Fighting this tendency is a fool’s errand, it’s far to convenien