- Håkon Nessjøen

Example domain paragraphs

Today I had a problem with a server that had no more disk space. And I learned something new in the process. df -h told me that 100% was in use. Which was about 29GB on that server. But if I checked the root partition with du -shx / i got about 9GB of used […]

Posted August 25th, 2014 in Tips & tricks .

So lately I have been fiddling with Uzebox. It’s a game console from just a ATMega644 mcu and a AD725 (RGB-to-NTSC converter) chip. Thats the whole idea. The RGB signal is created by a manual 3:3:2 resistor based DAC, and audio is pure PWM signal. The awesome part of this console is the “kernel”, written by […]

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