- Wholesome & Healthy Dog Food | Pet Food Delivery | Lucky Dog Cuisine

Description: Shop wholesome and healthy food for your puppies and dogs made from non-processed real ingredients designed to provide high-quality food for your pets.

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L ucky Dog Cuisine was developed not only because we love dogs, but because we believe that health comes from the inside out, which is why our human grade dog food contains no preservatives, chemicals, damaged meats or moldy grains (unlike many commercial pet foods). In fact, once you find out what’s in a lot of commercial dog food, you’ll never want to go back.

We gently cook our locally sourced meats and combine them with freshly steamed vegetables, healthy grains, fruit and other good stuff. Our homemade dog food recipes are made in small batches, and then frozen in freezer-friendly, 1 lb packages for convenient dog food delivery.

Lucky Dog Cuisine is a family run company – based in Toronto, Ontario and Hardeeville, South Carolina. We love hearing from you personally, which is why our dog food delivery comes right to your doorstep.  Convenient, healthy and easy homemade dog food – we give you more quality time with your best friend.