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Love for our community is and always will be at the heart of everything we stand for at Pagan Pride. That includes the health and safety of that community. We cannot ignore the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the Lowcountry.

The fear of infection or reinfection is real and happening. People should be happy and enjoying themselves, instead they may be worried about getting sick. We cannot justifiably go ahead with this event and feel good about it. We are heartbroken to make this decision, but we cannot in good faith put our friends and family at risk over an event.

This coupled with the CDC’s and Chatham County’s recommendation to steer clear of large gatherings, Savannah mayor’s emergency order to revoke all permits for events in public space through Sept. 30, and Keller’s Flea Market’s attorney recommending they cancel events due to the Covid case growth, has led to the planning committee’s decision to cancel Pagan Pride 2021 and postpone.