lowcarbondesigninstitute.org - The Low Carbon Design Institute – #locdi

Description: Developing climate change themed tools for creative minds. We started with a virtual residency in June 2021.

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Close Home Residency Open menu 2022 Program Residents Breathing in Disaster: Meditation in the Anthropocene Carbon Hacking thewasteland.work 2021 Program Residents Whose crisis? Low Carbon Lifestyles and the Demonisation of the Underdog A Context of Convenience BB P for Play Bollard seating Sketching cooperatives in Portugal Rebecca Huxley Grow Me Well Hello World Visualising the language of LoCDI The Sustainable Technology Movement Nature as Religion Ruth Shave Don’t ship the art Events Open menu Repairabl

Who is the residency for? People who identify as a creative. Our cohorts have included a furniture maker, a service designer, a sound artist, a graduate, a gallery owner, a digital artist. Is the 2023 residency virtual? Yes.

How much time does the residency take? The first two weeks comprise of talks at 11am-1pm (UK time) and an optional drop-in Zoom call in the afternoon to discuss and connect. All talks are recorded so if you can’t make one or two you can listen to them in your own time. The discussions have been very useful and we recommend you join them to connect with the other participants. Week 3 & 4 are quieter as we get you to respond creatively to what you’ve learnt. A final presentation and in person exhibition in Lo