- Tesuji Go Club of Columbus | Best Strategy Game in the World

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The Columbus Go Club would not be what it is today if Devin did not take control. His constant effort to promote the Go community in the Columbus area has led the Go club to where it is today. Devin saw a need for a new meeting location and made it possible to meet at the current location instead of the former meeting place of North Market. THANK YOU for picking up the reigns of the Columbus Go club and turning it to what it now is.

The owners of Tea Zone Bakery & Café get a big THANK YOU for giving us a unique place to meet and play our games. There is such a good menu of drinks and food that there is plenty to choose from while playing our games. The setting inside is a perfect theme for Go games and the club.

Tim Kington, a Columbus Go Club member, has given permission to use some of his videos regarding Go AI. One video is a Tech Talk regarding AI for Go and How long it would take to defeat top human players and the other is related to AlphaGo after it defeated the top European player, but before the matches with Lee Sedol. THANK YOU Tim for the use of these videos. Tim is also the creator of GoGrinder , a program designed for practice of life and death problems, or other Go problems that are loaded in.