- Love, Lizard - Breast Cancer Warrior & Survivor Just Trying To Pay It Forward

Description: Love, Lizard - Diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2020, I underwent a bilateral mastectomy, breast reconstruction surgery, hysterectomy/oophorectomy & am on endocrine therapy for 5-10 years. I try to pay it forward and share my story to help other women.

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A dear friend whom I met through an online Mom’s group passed away in 2017 from an exceedingly rare form of sarcoma.  One thing she asked all of us before she left us was “Promise me you will always try to find the silver lining”.  Since I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I have tried to live by that mantra. It hasn't been easy, but at times if I look hard enough, I’ve been able to find it….the silver lining.

At the end of June 2020, after the COVID shutdown, I went for my annual mammogram where an unusual area was noticed and I was called back in for additional images (which was not unusual for me having "dense breasts"). After having an ultrasound and 6 core biopsies done, I was notified on July 16th at 8 pm (I'll never forget that call) that I had Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.  The phone call rocked our world!  Having no close family history of breast cancer, I never even thought that it could happen to me but i

Shortly after my diagnosis, my friend Shannon made me a set of beaded bracelets that said BRAVE, LOVED, STRONG, & YOU GOT THIS.  I immediately put them on and have not taken them off other than for my surgeries.  They have brought me so much hope, courage, and strength.  During one of my sessions with my Siteman Oncology Counselor, she suggested that I do something that I enjoyed as an outlet to refocus my anxiety when it crept up on me. I have always been creative and artistic, so I thought about it and tr