loupcellard.com - Loup Cellard

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Homo nexus and fractalis | Data Dandy | Kid of the Compost

In February 2021, Loup Cellard finished his PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (University of Warwick, UK). Since June 2021, he is a postdoctoral research fellow working on the ecological implications of the digital. His work takes part in the Melbourne Law School node of the  ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society  (based at RMIT, Melbourne). His research is situated in science & technology studies (STS) and materialist approaches

His PhD thesis entitled Theatres of Algorithmic Transparency: a post-digital ethnography is an empirical fieldwork conducted in 2018 at Etalab, the French Open Data task force. As a researcher embedded in Etalab, Loup helped to organise design-based engagement events to elucidate social aspects of algorithmic transparency. This unique approach enabled him to formulate practice-based recommendations for the evaluation of public policies in the area of « algorithmic transparency, » taking into account both in

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