louisaslett.co.uk - Louis Aslett

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Louis Aslett is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Durham University .

I have 3 primary areas of methodological research interest. The first is at the interface between cryptography and statistics, with the focus on privacy preserving statistical analyses. My personal interest is on the statistics side of this fusion, developing novel statistical methodology which is amenable to use in the constrained environment of encrypted computation made possible by recent developments in homomorphic encryption and multiparty computation methods such as homomorphic secret sharing.

My second main strand of research is in reliability theory, where interest is in the structural reliability of engineered systems, usually taken from a Bayesian perspective. Finally, I am interested in development of statistical methodology which is amenable to implementation in modern massively parallel computing architectures such as GPUs which are prevalent today — specifically this includes accelerating Bayesian modelling and genetic ancestry problems.