lostlidos.co.uk - Blue Sparkling Waters now faded into history

Description: Blue sparkling waters of the Lost Lidos are but a memory . My tribute to my growing up and remembering sparkling, splashing fun of THE LIDO

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Picture agj 2023

  Blue Sparkling Waters – ? click – faded into memories .

Scanning the list A-Z below may find any Lido you may recognise or your favourite, and resurrect some remarkable memories and reminiscences! These “jewels in the sun” or so it seemed, were at the time a paradise for many families, and for many, to take a dip into the blue sparkling waters – or floodlit waters – for a romantic rendezvous, most likely lasting for life! I hope you find your way around these once blue sparkling waters! A few tips New additions are the latest, plus pooling news on what’s happeni