loripelikan.com - About - Lori Pelikan

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This is a place where you can find some thoughts on a mindful health style while living life in the moments and spaces inbetween. We all want to live a life of fullness. So how do we do it? The answer is to ride the waves and don’t tame them. Exercise your mind, body, and soul. These are the mirepoix of life. It’s the foundation for a life of fullness. You’ll find some writings on life, health, and mindfulness here. I’ll share my writing and a few secrets. And of course some moments of play!

I live in Connecticut where you learn to cultivate a keen sense of mindfulness, since the weather can change within a matter of moments.  As a Connecticut native, I have been privy to dodging deer with my car, being stuck between the Red Sox and Yankee pride, and knowing someone who knows someone at any event I attend. Heck, it’s a small state.

Some other places that I called home for a very short period of time were Providence Rhode Island where I graduated from Providence College with a Bachelors of Science in Business and French. I also lived in Switzerland to study more French and learned to find my love of exploring new things. This is where I also developed a sense of self. I found that it was important to take care of me-through real food, smart exercise, and making time to play.