loopcntr.net - Lo*op Center Inc - Home

Description: Lo*op Center organization. Introduction to the organization.

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Please visit loopcenter.org for information on LO*OP Center activities.

LO*OP Center Inc. is a nonprofit corporation based in Guerneville, California that provides educational products, services, consulting, research and technical resources relating to child and adult learning, history and future of computing in learning and education, intercultural communications and disaster readiness, response and recovery. The LO*OP Center was founded by Liza Loop in 1975.

LO*OP Center’s Mission is to empower people to meet the opportunities and challenges posed by technological change and by cultural diversity through education. We believe that human beings must engage in thoughtful development of their own societies, sciences, and selves. Through learning we can create a society without losers, a sustainable ecology and a population of people who respect and cherish diversity on Earth.

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