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The world's largest sustainability tour, known as the SolarButterly , is heading to Wentworth Institute of Technology in search of climate change solutions. The SolarButterfly aims to raise awareness about companies and individuals who play a crucial role in transitioning from fossil fuels to clean energy technologies. This extraordinary tour has been traveling around the globe for four years, with the mission of identifying, documenting, and promoting at least a thousand climate protection pioneers and the

On  Thursday, July 27  the School of engineering at Wentworth will be hosting the SolarButterfly and its crew. The event is open to local political leaders, schools, and the public, and will take place from  10 am - 12 pm.  Attendees will have the opportunity to explore the SolarButterfly, a specially designed structure with a large panel array that unfolds into magnificent butterfly wings. The SolarButterfly also boasts facilities like a kitchen, bathroom, and living room, accommodating a crew of up to fiv

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