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“A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week” - George Patton

A great strategy is something to behold. When Elon Musk references back to his original master plan for Tesla, it’s easy to become stuck in awe. But for every master plan flawlessly executed are countless elegant strategies that never see the light of day. And for more than 9 of 10 startups that ultimately IPO, the strategy and business model they created in their first powerpoint deck changed dramatically by the time they reach the public market. Lyft spent years as a platform for carpooling before realizi

The reality of innovation is that the concept we have of how customers will value our products and services is rarely the way they actually do look at our products when we launch. And unfortunately, without discovering how the world actually looks at our offerings, it’s possible to find teams spending years building the wrong things.