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Long Hollow Women (formerly “She Said”) will resume on January 13. Join us at 6:15 PM in the Hendersonville Worship Center on Wednesdays to enjoy fellowship with other women as you grow in your walk with Christ! Julie Woodruff will be walking us through the F-260 plan.

Books will be available for purchase in class for $18 (cash or check only).

“Jesus promised His disciples that they would take the Gospel to the remotest parts of the earth. Observe Paul’s transformation from persecutor of the church to preacher. Join him on his journeys across the Roman world to proclaim the saving message of Jesus to Jews and Gentiles. Learn how to witness and how to live an authentic Christian life in all circumstances in the power of the Holy Spirit. Learn to be like Paul, to be bold in proclaiming the name of Jesus and to trust our sovereign Lord who enables u