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Texting and talking while driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents in the United States, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Most people are not aware that in 2018 there were 400,000 people injured in motor vehicle crashes, with 2,841 of them fatal, due to not paying attention to the road. Many individuals are on their cellphones, eating food, or are doing some other work instead of focusing on what’s ahead.

The National Safety Council is taking on the challenge to help raise awareness of our driving habits on our roads and improve road safety for all road users by facilitating the National Distracted Driving Awareness Month each year. Click here to find out more about Distracted Driving Awareness Month .

But let’s start with you. How many times do you touch your phone while driving? Do you engage with any other non-driving related activities while in control of a vehicle?