lonelyneuron.com - The Lonely Neuron Brewing Company

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Endothermic Pale Ale - This was my first batch of beer. After a bit of research, I jumped straight into all-grain brewing, because extract just didn't seem like much fun. I learned a LOT on this batch. I had no concept of strike temperature, so I added the grist to the mash at 150° and attempted to maintain temp by heating the kettle. Uneven heating actually brought the temp of some portions of the mash up to 190° (hence the name). This beer had body! I also managed to bottle it before it had quite finished

Post Patriotic Pale Ale - Lessons learned were applied here. I ended up with a big rounded malt flavor followed by ample hops. It was very good, and the malt and hops balanced well enough that the bitterness wasn't out of line. I did get a slight lactobacillus infection, but it wasn't noticeable to most who tasted it.

Old Aardvark Barleywine - I had a batch of Pale Ale fermenting, and came to the decision to reuse the yeast. What better way to reuse a large amount of yeast than to pitch it into a high gravity beer? Thus was spawned the urge to brew a Barleywine. I hit a gravity of 1.111 after a very long boil, and decided to name my Barleywine Old Aardvark since the gravity matches the numerical designator of the F-111 Aardvark. It tastes pretty good, but it is dead flat as the yeast either all flocculated out, or more l