loicguegan.com - Loïc Guégan

Description: Loïc Guégan professional website.

network (6488) energy (6095) simulation (1530) fog (173) loic (25) loïc (11) guegan (1)

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I am a PostDoctoral researcher at UiT the Arctic University of Norway , in Tromsø. I am working as part of the Distributed Arctic Observatory (DAO) project. The project consists in developing an energy efficient distributed system for the monitoring of the Arctic Tundra using Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). I am also interested in the development of a flow-level network simulator for study CPS and distributed systems in general.

Previously, I did a PhD funded by ENS Rennes at the IRISA laboratory as a member of the Myriads project-team. I worked on the simulation of large-scale networks for performance and energy predictions of Fog infrastructures, under the supervision of Martin Quinson and Anne-Cécile Orgerie . I developed a wired network energy model and a Wi-Fi performance model for the simulation of large-scale network platforms. I worked with several network simulators such as SimGrid and ns-3 and deployed various experiments

Operating Systems