logodesignguy.com - Get the logo you need in days and at an affordable price!

Description: Get a great logo for a great price from the Logo Design Guy!

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The first impression you'll often make on your would-be customers is your logo, and in those few seconds, they'll often decide whether they want to know you better or pass you by. That's why your logo is such an important investment, and why the Logo Design Guy is here to help you.

A good logo should quickly convey to your prospective customers who you are and the image you'd like them to have of your business. Your logo needs to do this job quickly and powerfully, whether it's on a website, a business card, a t-shirt, a billboard or anything else. To achieve these goals, your logo should meet the following criteria:

It should be uniquely designed just for you. Sure, it might seem cheaper to slap your name on a piece of clip art (assuming it doesn't infringe on another trademark or copyright), but only a specially-designed logo can effectively incorporate your name and what you do. As your designer, I'll consider your business name, the products and services you provide, and the appropriate feelings to convey. Then, I'll create designs that communicate those things in a clean, elegant, beautiful way.