logicalsoul.org - Logical Soul | Transformation for the Body, Mind & Soul | Logical Soul

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CLICK ON THE IMAGE to hear a 36-Minute Interview with Dr. Michael Craig on how to have MONEY &  SUCCESS!

When I came to Soma, I had been battling something I had never faced in my life: panic inducing anxiety. I first believed that I was having health issues and sought clarity from modern medicine. When this failed me, I turned to holistic medicine. This too was insufficient.

Working with Soma, I learned basic tools that completely transformed my life. These tools enabled an introspection not possible with thought alone. I learned how to trust my body, what it was feeling, and how to listen to God. I had always been disconnected from both. Life took on a new role as a mirror, showing me what I was made of. I was not a whole person, fragmented in millions of tiny pieces, lost and frantic.