logicalsoul.com - Logical Soul | Transformation for the Body, Mind & Soul | Logical Soul

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“Regarding my personal Logical Soul® experience: I can say that the experience has been one of the most liberating moments in my life!  I have always known that my past had a major impact on me. However, I did not become aware that I was still in bondage until you uncovered the root cause of what I had coined as ‘being in my own way.’  My spirit has been so free from that moment on. Not only do I believe that my spirit has been set free and open to the world, it has become evident with my willingness to sha

“Thank you so much for liberating me as a Woman, Speaker, Writer, Teacher and Preacher.  You have truly tapped into a very unique way of exposing our subconscious beliefs.  I have no doubt that the Logical Soul ® Technique will become one of the most sought after training in the industry.

Thank you again and I look forward to taking your training !”  – (Atlanta, GA USA  May 2, 2013)

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