locklift.io - Build, Test and Maintain TVM Smart-Contracts | Locklift

Description: Design, build and launch your TVM smart-contracts in a testing environment made to simplify the process of executing complex interactions

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Simple tool for complex challenges

Easy to master The framework was developed using tools like Hardhat and Truffle Get started TypeScript Locklift provides full Typescript support, no more annoying bugs! Get started Batteries included Compile, test, deploy and run contracts Get started Plugin System Integrate new functionality in your project in just a few lines with a plugin system Get started Tools Locklift Executor is the key element that you work with when using Locklift. It's an adaptable and scalable task orchestrator designed to strea

Locklift comes pre-installed with the Locklift Network , a dedicated local TVM node configured specifically for development activities. This setup facilitates the deployment of your contracts, execution of your tests, and debugging of your code, entirely within the environment of your own computer.

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