llfield.com - L.L. Field

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“A feast for readers looking to taste the luxurious lifestyle of the English upper crust.”

In researching my family history this summer, I discovered my father’s family hails from England—right where my books take place.  Totally coincidental—or is it?  I have always been an Anglophile, reading Jane Austen, of course, but also Barbara Pym, Joanna Trollope (and Anthony), Jane Gardam, A. S. Byatt, the Brontes, E. M. Forster, Samuel Pepys, Shakespeare—I could go on and on.  I have of late, after writing The Marriage of True Minds , picked up Georgette Heyer and found her books delightful.

The Marriage of True Minds is the first novel in the series about the English upper-class during the reign of George III in 18 th century England, just before the American Revolution.  In the Polite Society of this period, an aristocrat had one duty above all others—produce a male heir to perpetuate the family’s title.  Geoffrey, the 3 rd Earl of Stoneleigh, and his wife, Anne, are a love match—she being the daughter of a knighted merchant and he being the sole heir to an earldom.  To the consternation of t