- Andreas Scholl The Voice артикул 10716b.

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Book DescriptionIn September 1945 Joe ODonnell was a twenty-three-year-old Marine Corps photographer wading ashore in Japan, then under American occupation His orders were to document the aftermath of U S bombing raids in Japanese cities, including not only Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but also cities such as Sasebo, one of the more than sixty обякй Japanese cities firebombed before the atomic blasts "The people I met," he now recalls, "the suffering I witnessed, and the scenes of incredible devastation taken by

Book DescriptionDouglas series of photographs in Misteri The Sicilian Easter Processions capture the marvelous landscape of rituals that claim roots dating back countless generations Stunning color and black and white photographs that co mingle photo journalistic and fine art visions into a melange that leaves the viewer a stunned participant обякт in the ancient rites of the Easter Processions of that most mysterious land, Sicily.   отде    Шуре    Your    Skag 2003 г 52 стр ISBN 0971315477.

Book Description In this essential book for women, Christina Lessa, a wife, mother, and established photojournalist, has interviewed and photographed nineteen remarkable achievers at the tops of their fields-- from health experts to spiritual leadersto successful businesswomen Each woman offers her secrets to maintaining a sound mind and обякч fit body in today's modern world Now, rather than consulting multiple books by a variety of experts to get the advice they need, women can have it in one comprehensiv