- Live Webcast Service Provider - Livewebin

Description: Webcasting Company in mumbai - bangalore - hyderabad - pune - delhi, Live Webcast, Video on Demand, Live Webcasting India, Live Webcast India, Webcasting, Streaming Media, Live Streaming India, Live Mobile Streaming, Video conferencing solution provider, Live Webcast Mumbai, Live Webcast Bangalore

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A camera's video and audio feed is connected to a computer with capture cards (encoder) and proprietary software, which converts the signal into an internet-friendly format and sends it to a host server (or Content Delivery Network). From there, the signal is available to potential viewers on the Internet in formats such as Windows Media Player, Flash, or Microsoft Silverlight.

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Short for Web-based seminar, a webinar is a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the Web using video conferencing software. A key feature of a Webinar is its interactive elements: the ability to give, receive and discuss information in real-time.