- A Vegetables Bird's Blog

Description: This is a simple blog use Hexo, called Liuqingwen's last blog, all about of interesting things of Kotlin, Web, Swift, Game, 3D and life.

android (9214) ios (6295) java (6070) python (3845) 博客 (1886) kotlin (259) 游戏开发 (126) godot (30) 刘庆文 (1) 文章教程 (1)

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Hi, welcome, this is my new blog web site, named with my real name. Why not try your best, work it hard, and achieve your success?! Good good study, Day day up! Stay young and simple, and you will be navie! So, give me some color to see see now!

Introduction of Godot Series  |  50 Android Projects in 100 Days

Godot Game DevLog 4 - translate Pluggable AI tutorial from Unity to Godot