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Description: The Simcoe/Muskoka Literacy Network (SMLN) is your information source about essential skills training and academic upgrading for adults in Simcoe County and Muskoka. Literacy skills are skills necessary to function as a contributing member of the community. These skills include everything from reading and writing to math to participating in society. Essential Skills are the

literacy (671) soft skills (269) muskoka (248) simcoe (75) plain language (22) essential skills (9) clear writing (6) literacy network (1) smln (1)

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The Simcoe/Muskoka Literacy Network (SMLN) is your information source about essential skills training and academic upgrading for adults in Simcoe County and Muskoka.

Literacy skills are skills necessary to function as a contributing member of the community.  These skills include everything from reading and writing to math to participating in society.

Essential Skills are the skills people need for work, learning and life.  They include literacy and are the basis for learning all other skills.