- Lisa Peters

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I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Lisa recently. The research she conducted before hand speaks to the absolute professionalism of Lisa as a whole. She is so prepared that the ease and flow of the conversation is seamless and apparent, not only to the one being interviewed but to those who tune in. Her kind and caring yet professional nature put me immediately at ease despite never having been interviewed before on TV. It was as if there were no cameras and it was just the two of us having a relaxed

I have had interviews with Lisa for several years to promote the Regina Philatelic Club’s annual show and sale every January or February. She has always been well prepared, asks great questions, is engaged, interested and enthusiastic. It is always a pleasure to visit Access Communications for this particular interview and I look forward to the exchange.

Lisa had myself on Talk of the Town, was a blast! Had fun with others being interviewed and the conversations was right on point of what we offer our customers in renewable energy systems. Lisa’s questions were intelligent and well articulated! Enjoyed the opportunity very much!