- Lisa N. Robertson

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with more than thirty years’ experience in leading women’s Bible studies. Her latest book, The Path of Life , released in 2019.

“Lisa Robertson is one of my dearest friends and has one of the most delightful and vivacious relationships with God. She has walked her various life paths with God in gracious, honest, insightful ways that have inspired me and helped me grow. If you’re looking for a mentor to help you know how to face all that’s ahead of you with a sense of peace and wisdom, this book should be your next read! I give The Path of Life my highest recommendation.”

Don’t you love it when you find a friend that simply walks in the path God has for her and cheers you on in yours? Lisa has done that for me and will do that for you in these pages. I’ve had the great privilege to know her, laugh with her and learn from her over the years. You will get that great privilege in these pages.