- Lisa McInerney

Description: Website of Irish writer Lisa McInerney, author of The Glorious Heresies

irish (1778) irish writer (11) irish writing (3) john murray (3) mark richards (2) ivan mulcahy lisa mcinerney maureen phelan mulcahy associates ryan cusack

Example domain paragraphs

Ireland’s having an identity crisis, rent’s through the roof, and Cork is producing a profligate number of poets. A band called Lord Urchin bursts onto the scene with an insufferable mission statement, and four lives are turned inside-out.

Mel comes back to Cork from Brexit Britain, ill-equipped to deal with the resurgence of a family scandal. Eleventh-hour revolutionary Maureen won’t stop until she’s rewritten her city’s history. Former sex worker Georgie is encouraged to tell her story by a journalist with her own agenda. And Karine prepares for her ex-boyfriend’s return, knowing that he’s going to warp all around him . . . and that she’s going to help him do it.

This is a novel about art and its relationship to class and transgression, about trauma, gender, obsession and love. And about great nationalists, bad mothers, and a debut album that might drive the whole of Ireland mad.