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Description: 91久久婷婷国产综合精品,欧美国产亚洲日韩一区二区三区,亚洲产国偷v产偷v自拍色戒,一区二区三区无码在线观看,日韩成人精品视频免费专区,内射人妻无码色AB麻豆,久久久橹橹橹久久久久高清,欧美人与禽z0zo牲伦交

亚洲产国偷v产偷v自拍色戒 (59) 一区二区三区无码在线观看 (7) 日韩成人精品视频免费专区 (6) 91久久婷婷国产综合精品 (3) 欧美国产亚洲日韩一区二区三区 (2)

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Proving that Facebook is still good for something, I got inspired enough to return to the blog.

My friend Ben posted some pictures he took yesterday.  They weren’t of his kids, or his food.  He was documenting the sheer number of “fallen soldiers” – empty nips, beer cans, bottles of bottom shelf liquor – spotted around business parks while he was taking his lunchtime constitutional.

We all see empties around the city.  For some reason we don’t really pick up on them the way Ben did yesterday, being that these particular empties seemed a lot more incongruous on the grounds of a business park in the suburbs.  Ben called what he documented “discarded evidence of alcoholism.”

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