- Lisa Alfaro Creative | Marketing Consulting Services

Description: Communications and Social Media Marketing Consulting. Social Media Management, Marketing, Content Creator, Lifestyle Blogger, and founder of Café y Conexión.

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There are a lot of do’s and do not’s on social media. Experts are constantly throwing more at you, and it can get really overwhelming. I wanted to take it back to the basics and give you these tips on what your business should be doing on social media.

Let me start by giving you the cliff notes, then I’ll get down into each one below.

It’s the most magical time of year! And since 2016, I’ve been putting together a magical list of events and activities for our Christmas Advent Calendar. Every year looks different because we have moved a lot, but I am especially excited this year because I LOVE San Antonio and all the amazing festivities! So it brings me great joy to bring you my annual 25 days of Christmas events in San Antonio, Texas!