- The Liquidity Language for smart contracts, by OCamlPro

Example domain paragraphs

Liquidity is a high-level typed smart-contract language that compiles down to Michelson (for Dune Network and Tezos ) and to Love for Dune Network . A formal verification framework for it is under development. See also our testing framework for Michelson, Techelson .

Two weeks ago, OCamlPro announced that we would move to a license-based model for Liquidity, the smart contract language for Tezos that we developed since June 2017 without any external funding. This move was motivated by the unsustainability of Liquidity maintenance by OCamlPro alone, and our decision not to rely on the Tezos Foundation anymore for funding tied to unacceptable conditions/requests. Since then, we have been contacted by many users of Liquidity, who had started developing smart contracts with

We have decided today to open-source Liquidity. From now on, it will be distributed under a GPLv3 free software license. This switch will help all the members of the Tezos ecosystem to build even more interesting dapps. We hope to be able to find new funding in the future to support further development of Liquidity and related projects.