- geek-chic

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In the last six months, I’ve had several young women reach out to me (and then send their friends) about their careers and it felt timely that I should share a story about mine.

Yesterday — January 14th — was the first day I’ve been sufficiently qualified for any of the 3 jobs I’ve had since college. Allow me to explain:

I didn’t realize it at the time, but the first job I took out of college required 5 years of working experience. I was lucky: I had an advocate who would vouch for me and a founder who was willing to take a chance on me. When I joined in January 2014, my boss kept reminding me what a risk he’d taken hiring someone fresh out of college for his first product role. I didn’t understand what all the fuss was about: I was passionate about product and convinced that my college stints more than qualified me for the