- Linnea Peterson – Young Adult Novelist. Copy Editor. Autistic Self-Advocate.

Description: Young Adult Novelist. Copy Editor. Autistic Self-Advocate.

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Five Minutes is an online literary magazine that publishes 100-word micro-memoirs about five minutes of the writer’s life. I had a piece called “One Phone Call” in Five Minutes last winter, and yesterday I had my second piece in the magazine. This one is called “Say Goodbye,” and it’s about my dad telling me about my mom’s cancer diagnosis. Read it here.

Five Minutes is an online literary magazine that publishes 100-word micro-memoirs about five minutes of the writer’s life. Mine is the story of the evening of Tuesday, October 5, of my freshman year of high school. CW: suicidal ideation. Read the piece here .

After over two years of copy editing for Twin Cities Geek , a Minnesota-based online magazine, and writing a couple book reviews and a few notices of fandom auctions , I finally decided to dig in and tackle a topic that had been kicking around my brain for a while: the way the autism community often receives “representation” in media by giving non-human characters autistic traits to demonstrate how different they are from humans. I talk about Sarah Rees Brennan’s The Demon’s Lexicon , Martha Wells’ Murderbo