- The first marketplace where freight forwarders meet hauliers to share capacity and improve efficiency.

Description: LinkHaul The first marketplace for haulage service providers to share their capacity and gain business. - LinkHaul is an easy-to-use platform that brings together freight forwarders and hauliers to maximise efficiency and to reduce overcapacity. Think of us as your business booster at your fingertips.

"real time" (648) intelligent (277) "on the go" (48) "list your excess container“ "bid on containers" "end to end activity updates"

Example domain paragraphs

If you're a Freight Forwarder wanting to have your haulage jobs carried out securely, efficiently with real time job status updates or if you're a Haulier looking to maximise your delivery capacity by reducing the number of empty trips on the road. 

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LinkHaul is an easy-to-use platform that brings together freight forwarders and hauliers to maximise efficiency and to reduce overcapacity. Think of us as your business booster at your fingertips.