- Linda Crew -

Description: The website of Linda Crew, author of novels including the award-winning, Children of the River.

writer (7712) young adult novels (24) prescription drug addiction (7) benzo withdrawal (4) painkiller addiction (3) xanax addiction (2) accidental addict (1) recovery from benzodiazepines (1) addiction memoirs (1) linda crew (1)

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Linda Crew is the award-winning author of nine novels and now, two memoirs--one, a harrowing accoung of the perils of physician-prescribed drugs, and the latest focusing on her childhood, her marriage, and the wedding of her son, which necessitated a life-altering trip to one of the most beautiful and exotic corners of China. Her readers range in age from children who enjoy the Nekomah Creek books to adults who have appreciated her recent cross-over titles such as Brides of Eden: A True Story Imagined , and