- Lily not Louise

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There are so many skincare products on the market!! It can feel overwhelming when you are trying to build a skincare routine. Using the right skincare for you can make a dramatic difference with long term benefits to help your skin looking healthy. The important part is to select products that is suited to your skin-type and concerns. Let’s go through some of the basics!

The best way to start and end your day is with a clean canvas, cleansing is a crucial first step to establish your skincare routine. If you are skipping your morning cleanse, think again! Our skin regenerates overnight, your morning cleanse assists with removing dead skin cells, leaving your skin looking brighter and more refreshed. Our skin also still sweats at night and so it super important to be starting your morning routine with a nice, clean canvas. This ensures that you will be getting the most out o

Cleansing is also a necessary step at the end of your day as our skin is often exposed to pollution, bacteria, dirt, grime and not to mention the layers make-up or skincare that’s been sitting on our faces for hours! Our skin is yearning for a good cleanse. A double cleanse is recommended if you are wearing makeup or sunscreen, using an oil-based cleanser or a cleansing balm to gently remove the products off your face, followed by a cream, gel or foam cleanser. A cream cleanser is recommended for dehydrated