- Light-Years from the Vatican | Updated occasionally by a bookish Catholic.

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Taken last week in and around Logan, Utah:

Just in time for his feast day, Julie and I read a book about St. Thomas Aquinas. St. Thomas Aquinas: The Dumb Ox by G. K. Chesterton . The book was mostly about philosophy, and what Aquinas brought back to the table. Thoughts like this:

Thus, even those who appreciate the metaphysical depth of Thomism in other matters have expressed surprise that he does not deal at all with what many now think the main metaphysical question; whether we can prove that the primary act of recognition of any reality is real. The answer is that St. Thomas recognised instantly, what so many modern sceptics have begun to suspect rather laboriously; that a man must either answer that question in the affirmative, or else never answer any question, never ask any qu

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