- Light in the Darkness

Description: Astronom Heino Falcke describes in his book »Light in the Darkness« mankind’s adventurous journey through space and time and the exciting expedition to the first image of a black hole.

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»Light in the Darkness« describes mankind’s adventurous journey through space and time: From the first humans looking up at the night sky to modern astrophysics, from the study of black holes to the still-unsolved mysteries of the universe and far beyond. Told from the perspective of Heino Falcke , one of the world’s leading astronomers, who personally witnessed and was instrumental in shaping the exciting expedition to the first image of a black hole.

Falcke asks, in even the greatest triumphs of science, is there room for doubts, faith, and a God? A plea for curiosity and humility, Light in the Darkness sees one of the great minds shaping the world today as he ponders the big, pressing questions that present themselves when we look up at the stars.

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