- lifelong kaizen – the blog of antonio smythe

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lifelong kaizen the blog of antonio smythe home about 7 interesting things I found on the internet this week (03.28 to 04.03) Derek Sivers ‘ webpage. I find Derek’s personality and approach to business and life completely aligned to mine. . Derek also started a movement where one’s current focus is publicly stated. Others have taken it further declaring that anything outside of this will not receive attention. shows a list of bloggers that have implemented this. A good way to dis

Podcasts have become a key channel in my information intake process. They are a perfect way to consume information while working out, driving, and even when trying to fall sleep.

I keep two lists, one of podcasts that I subscribe to (and for the most part listen to every episode), and another with podcasts I find interesting but only browse when in need of additional content.