- Who we are | Library Accessibility Alliance

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The Library Accessibility Alliance (LAA) promotes equitable access to library services and electronic resources. Our member libraries are committed to providing equal access to information for all library users, and we work together to improve vendor products, educate our community, and advance digital accessibility.

The Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) formed the Library E-Resource Accessibility Group in 2015 to address concerns about the accessibility of library e-resources. In 2019, the  Association of Southern Research Libraries (ASERL)  partnered with the BTAA creating the Library Accessibility Alliance. The group further expanded in 2021 with the addition of the  Greater Western Library Alliance  and the  Washington Research Library Consortium .  The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation (IPLC) joined in 2023. The LAA

See the results of our accessibility audits and learn more about our evaluation process.