levicarter.net - Levi Carter

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It was the combination of creativity and logic that attracted me to code and development. I have always enjoyed working on projects that produce a tangible product, and am willing to work hard for the satisfaction of a job well-done.

As a web developer, I completed numerous successful websites with a wide variety of requirements - including sites for small and large businesses, not-for-profit organizations, e-commerce applications, historic associations, and more. In the process, I increased the profitability and success of the organizations whose sites I worked on, as well as the profitability and success of the companies I directly worked for.

As a software developer, I have continued to distinguished myself with the quality of my work and with my strong work ethic. As the lead and primary developer of Marketpath CMS , I am responsible for a significant portion of the strategic vision and the lion's share of the implementation of the next-generation SaaS CMS that is taking the web development world by storm.