letters.ovh - Commonplace Letters

Description: A Country Parson. Interests: Literature, Romanticism, Fin de siècle aesthetics, Victorian spirituality, Orthodox theology, post-secularism.

Example domain paragraphs

What if the problem isn’t that churches are asking too much of their members, but that they aren’t asking nearly enough? Source: Why Did So Many People Stop Going to Church? - The Atlantic

“After so many years of trying, I think it’s safe to say that the Anglican/Episcopal paradigm of SJW ministers and privileged laity is unfixable.  North American Anglicanism is stuck in this “lather-rinse-repeat” cycle, and until the secular circumstances change, the cycle won’t.  Like squaring the circle, the attempts by people like McKenzie to make the church relevant to this demographic will insure that it is incapable of real change, either in its laity or in society in general.  This doesn’t mean that

“The basic thing that most people overlook is the highly heterogeneous nature of the ACNA itself, which fits Sun Yat-Sen’s description of a “heap of loose sand.” Both–yes, we’re up to two now–of the high profile disaffiliations have been out of Todd Hunter’s Church for the Sake of Others, which is a largely exvangelical enterprise. It’s not surprising that the exvangelicals, fleeing the mindless dogmatism of their past, don’t like to discover that the ACNA was started because TEC had overrun the boundaries

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