letsstopcovid19.com - COVID19

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THE OUTBREAK THE OUTBREAK THE OUTBREAK THE OUTBREAK THE OUTBREAK THE OUTBREAK THE OUTBREAK THE OUTBREAK QUICK LINKS FOR FAST INFORMATION Center for Disease Control Federal Emergency Management Center for Disease Control CDC Quick Link World Health Organization Federal Emergency Management Center for Disease Control WHO Quick Link Federal Emergency Management Federal Emergency Management U.S. Aid from the American People FEMA Quick Link U.S. Aid from the American People U.S. Aid from the American People U.S.

 The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is committed to the protection of patients and residents of healthcare facilities from the spread of infectious disease. 

COVID19 A SILENT KILLER Covid-19 is a silent killer that has no concern if your young, heathy, middle aged, or elderly so understand that this is a Universal Emergency that needs the participation of every person which chooses to enjoy the life as we knew it just under 18 months ago. Let's not get this mixed up with the common cold, or influenza, this is an entirely new strain of a virus. It attacks the breathing functions of the human lungs.  The desperate desire to find a medicine or treatment of COVID-19