letsliberate.com - Lets Liberate

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Through my coaching, I help people, to develop self-worth and to focus on what matters most. From a 3 year corporate background, I understand the challenges that professionals face. I also know that there is more to people than their 9 to 5. After leaving the corporate life, I have spent my most of the time in travelling and experience life. There is nothing like diving out of your comfort zone to make you realize that you are a newbie in life no matter what your age. Every time I travel, I find that I can

It is not a silver bullet. Some breakthroughs happen within minutes, others take time as you learn and grow. You go further, deeper and faster with me as your coach than you would alone.

I don't guide you to a pre-specified ideal outcome. Instead, I help you to explore opportunities, to choose what is right for you and to get there.